We at Iso Omena postal outlet are here to help you and your company in sending and receiving parcels and letters and other postal matters. Picking up parcels from a parcel locker Iso Omena has two Posti Parcel Lockers: 1. Posti Matinkylä Iso Omena 2nd floor (the postal outlet’s opening hours) 2. Shopping Centre Iso Omena, floor -1 below Citymarket (the shopping centre’s opening hours) Download the free OmaPosti app to your phone. You can easily track your parcels with it. Once the item has arrived, check the correct parcel locker from the notice of arrival and pick up your parcel when you’re going to do your shopping, for example. Sending parcels Pay for the parcel delivery at www.posti.fi/laheta or in the OmaPosti app. Download the free app from your app store. Drop the parcel off in a Posti parcel locker. Shop serves with extended opening hours The shop serves you from Monday to Friday at 09:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m. and on Saturdays at 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Whatever your postal matter is, we at Posti are here to help you.